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Trust in Jehovah With All Your Heart. A Commentary on Proverbs 3:5–6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

– Proverbs 3:5-6

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

This scripture teaches us that we should rely on God in whatever we do. However, we often go in the wrong direction and rely on our own intelligence and ability. In the process, things may eventually be done and problems may be solved, but our spiritual life didn’t make any progress. We missed the opportunity to know God and the experience to establish true faith in God. God’s words say, “If you don’t learn how to look to God and rely on God, you will never see the work God does on you, or the guidance and enlightenment He gives to you. If you can’t see these things, then the matter of whether or not God exists, whether or not He guides everything in the life of mankind will, in the depths of your heart, end with a question mark and not with a period or exclamation mark. “Does God guide everything in the life of mankind?” “Does God observe the depths of man’s heart?” This will be troublesome. For what reason do you make this a question and add a question mark? If you do not truly rely on God or look to Him, you will not be able to generate a true belief in God. If you can’t generate a true belief in God, then the question marks will forever be there with everything God does, and there will be no periods.