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Explanation of Matthew 6:33 - Have You Found the Kingdom of God?

The Lord Jesus said, “But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.”

- Matthew 6:33

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

For the past 2,000 years, sincere believers have been seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness according to the requirements and promises of the Lord. Now, in the final period of the last days, has the kingdom of God arrived? Read the following content, and you will receive great news: The kingdom of God has indeed come! Our 2,000-year-long desire has finally been realized!

The Lord Jesus said, “But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). This is the teaching and requirement that the Lord Jesus gave to those who believe in Him two thousand years ago, and it is also the promise that He will bring the kingdom of God to those who believe in Him when He returns in the last days. For the past 2,000 years, sincere believers have been praying and seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness. Just as the Lord’s Prayer says, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). We also eagerly await the Lord’s return in the last days, fulfilling His promise to us, bringing the coming of God’s kingdom, and realizing our 2,000-year-long hope - to enter into the kingdom of God! In this present time, we are in the final period of the last days, where various disasters are increasing. The prophecies of the Lord’s return have already been fulfilled. Has the Lord Jesus returned? Has the kingdom of God arrived? These are the questions that many sincere believers, who long for the appearance of the Lord, are eager to know. In fact, the Lord Jesus has already returned and has spoken many words, bringing forth the advent of the kingdom of God. God says, “The multitudes cheer Me, the multitudes praise Me; all mouths name the one true God, all people lift their eyes to watch My deeds. The kingdom descends upon the world of men, My person is rich and bountiful. Who would not rejoice at this? Who would not dance for joy? Oh, Zion! Raise your triumphant banner to celebrate Me! Sing your triumphant song of victory to spread My holy name! All creation unto the ends of the earth! Hasten to cleanse yourselves that you may be made as offerings to Me! Constellations of the heavens! Hasten back to your places to show My mighty power in the firmament! I lend My ear to the voices of the people on earth, who pour out their infinite love and reverence for Me in song! On this day, when all creation returns to life, I come down into the world of men. At this moment, at this very juncture, all flowers burst into riotous bloom, all birds sing as with one voice, all things palpitate with joy! In the sound of the kingdom’s salute, Satan’s kingdom topples down, annihilated in the thundering of the kingdom anthem, never to rise again!” “Who on the earth dares to rise and resist? As I descend to earth, I bring burning, bring wrath, bring catastrophes of all kinds. The earthly kingdoms are now My kingdom! Up in the sky, the clouds tumble and billow; under the sky, lakes and rivers surge and joyously churn out a stirring melody. Resting animals emerge from their dens, and all peoples are aroused from their slumbers by Me. The day awaited by the multitudinous peoples has come at last! They offer up the most beautiful songs to Me!

From God’s words, we can see that God has heard our prayers, and He has already returned to fulfill His promises. The kingdom has descended upon the earth. Do you desire to receive God’s promises and enter into His kingdom? Please contact us through the online chat window at the bottom of our website. Let’s learn God’s words together, engage in online communication, and find the path to the heavenly kingdom!