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The Second Part: God Sets Boundaries for Each Form of Life

Because of these boundaries that God has drawn, various terrains have produced different environments for survival, and these environments for survival have been convenient for various kinds of birds and beasts and have also given them space to survive. From this the boundaries for the environments for survival of the various living beings have been developed. This is the second part we are going to talk about next. First of all, where do the birds and the beasts and the insects live? Do they live in forests and groves? These are their home. So, aside from establishing boundaries for the various geographical environments, God also drew boundaries and established laws for the various birds and beasts, fish, insects, and all the plants. Because of the differences between various geographical environments and because of the existence of different geographical environments, different types of birds and beasts, fish, insects, and plants have different environments for survival. The birds and the beasts and the insects live amongst the various plants, the fish live in the water, and the plants grow on the land. The land includes various zones such as mountains, plains, and hills. Once the birds and the beasts have their own set home, they will not wander around, going any which way. Their homes are the forests and the mountains. If, one day, their homes were destroyed, this order would be thrown into chaos. As soon as the order is thrown into chaos, what are the consequences? Who are the first to be hurt? It is mankind. Within these laws and limits that God has established, have you seen any peculiar phenomena? For example, elephants walking in the desert. Have you seen anything like that? If this really happened it would be a very strange phenomenon, because elephants live in the forest, and that is the environment for survival that God prepared for them. They have their own environment for survival and their own set home, so why would they go running around? Has anyone seen lions or tigers walking by the ocean shore? No, you have not. The home of the lions and tigers is the forest and the mountains. Has anyone seen the whales or sharks of the ocean swimming through the desert? No, you have not. Whales and sharks make their homes in the ocean. In humans’ living environment, are there people who live alongside brown bears? Are there people who are always surrounded by peacocks or other birds, inside and outside of their homes? Has anyone seen eagles or wild geese playing with monkeys? (No.) These would all be peculiar phenomena. The reason I speak of these things that seem so peculiar to your ears is to have you understand that all things created by God—no matter if they are fixed in one place or whether they can breathe through their nostrils—have their own laws for survival. Long before God created these living beings, He had already prepared for them their own homes and their own environments for survival. These living beings had their own fixed environments for survival, their own food and their own fixed homes, and they had their own fixed places suitable for their survival, places with temperatures suitable for their survival. Thus, they would not wander around any which way or undermine mankind’s survival or impact people’s lives. This is how God manages all things, providing for mankind the best environment for survival. The living beings within all things each have their own life-sustaining food within their own environments for survival. With that food, they are attached to their native environment for survival. In that kind of environment, they continue to survive, multiply, and move forward in accordance with the laws God has established for them. Because of these types of laws, because of God’s predestination, all things live in harmony with mankind, and mankind coexists together in interdependence with all things.

—The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God Himself, the Unique IX